Facing vacancy? 10 questions to ask
When you’re an owner facing a vacancy or a significant vacancy percentage in one of your properties, you may be at a crossroads. You...

International home buying strong in California
China, Canada, and Mexico were top countries of origin of international buyers Despite a slowing in the California housing market and...

Property for the busy professional
Some people who invest in investment real estate do so as a full-time endeavor. This is because being a real estate investor can take a...

Investing partnerships
Commercial real estate partnerships can be the best way for beginning investors or those who know little about commercial real estate to...

Valuating commercial real estate
Investing in commercial real estate is quite lucrative if you are an intelligent investor, who has a property purchase plan from the...

Buying commercial real estate
Today's world economy is changing. More and more people are turning to the internet for their goods and services. As our ability to...

Improving your credit score
A critical part of your success as a real estate investor is your ability to obtain the financing you need to fund your real estate...