Selling your home?
Owning a home is the original American dream. It's the old frontier spirit, wanting to claim your own tuft of the New World. Then again,...

Real Estate Investing - Motivated Buyer?
What's the first image that comes to mind when you hear the term -- motivated seller? You probably think of someone who is desperate to...

Flipping Real Estate: Calculating
If you been in the real estate investing business, or more specifically been flipping real estate, for more than a few days, you've...

Staging to sell
Here's what good staging is not: ripping every last bit of personality out of a home before showing it to buyers. The devotion to sparse...

Califdornia new tax laws relating to 1099 exchanges
Here's a new tax law that may give your 1031-exchange clients a good reason to buy an upleg property in California, instead of another...

What goes with you when you sell your home?
Imagine shopping for your dream home in the hot Seattle area market. You go to an open house, it’s crowded, you know there are multiple...

California - Income tax paid on debt forgiveness
Thanks to partisan political gamesmanship by the Assembly Appropriations Committee, struggling homeowners who sold their homes in a short...

Is the US moving to rentership from ownership?
Well, there’s at least one big Wall Street banker that’s betting on the United States becoming a “rentership” society: Morgan Stanly. Is...

Green homes get higher sale prices
While home sales may be sluggish in many parts of the country, more buyers are placing an emphasis on green -- with some studies showing...

Creative ways to afford a home
1. Investigate local, state, and national down payment assistance programs. These programs give qualified applicants loans or grants to...